The spice of life

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I had reports yesterday that my voice was too recessed when compared to the music (first time people have ever told me I’m too quiet!!) I’ve now readjusted the balance; let me know if you think it’s an improvement

A good performance but I find the 11th variation (the Adagio) over decorated (too many twiddles!) It was the tradition in Mozart’s time, I know, but it can certainly be overdone. What do you think?

I’m generally rather sniffy about child performers (I don’t find the image of Mozart’s father dragging his children around the courts and crowned heads of Europe a very edifying one) and YouTube’s packed with infants performing this piece. But even I – curmudgeon that I am – found the combination of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and ten year old Elliot Wuu irresistible…

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